Polishing Turds: A Bad Music Podcast
We take the worst bands you remember and give them way more attention than they deserve. Equal parts comedy and storytelling, Polishing Turds will change the way you look at pop music. Behind every bad song there's a good story!
Podcasting since 2021 • 69 episodes
Polishing Turds: A Bad Music Podcast
Latest Episodes
#62. VILLAGE PEOPLE PART I: "Must Dance and Have a Mustache"
We begin a three part series on the Village People, who for legal reasons we must tell you are absolutely not gay at all...
Season 5
Episode 2

MINISODE: Catching Up Vol. II
Awww yeah! We're back with another low-effort minisode where we catch up on all the recent goings-on from artists we profiled in the past. Come hear about all the wacky exploits from your favorite Polishing Turds alumni. We've got Cruises with ...
Season 5
Episode 1

#61. HOLIDAY SPECIAL 2024: How the Brits Ruined Christmas
You thought American Christmas music was dumb? Wait till you hear what the folks across the pond are up to...This year's Holiday Special examines the annual tradition of the UK Christmas Number One. Each year the British public gets hyp...
Season 4
Episode 12

#60. ICED EARTH Part III: Stormriding the Capitol
We conclude our interminable Iced Earth series with the dramatic assault of the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021. This riot was facilitated in part by a wacky militia called the Oath Keepers, a group whose membership happened to i...
Season 4
Episode 11

#59. ICED EARTH Part II: The Awakening
How did Iced Earth guitarist Jon Schaffer become a deranged conspiracy theorist? What led him down that toxic rabbit hole, and what exactly are the beliefs that led him to storm the Capitol on January 6?It turns out most of Jon's anger ...
Season 4
Episode 10

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